Updated 10 Jan 2015, Other pages updated separately
Getting Steamed up in the UK!
Quite a few of these images, were taken long ago, on
a decidely inferior camera
Click on the badge to visit the WSR Site
WSR Links: West Somerset Railway - an unofficial site full of information and photos of the West SomersetWest Somerset Railway Association - the Association is the main support group on the line. The Official West Somerset Railway Web Site - for trains times and fares etc. West Somerset Railway, heritage steam and diesel trains - pages of photos of the WSR. Diesel & Electric Preservation Group Ltd (DEPG) - the main diesel group on the line
West Somerset
Express Archive Bidston and Seacombe wsr courtesy of David Alexander - my sincere thanks. http://www.subbrit.org.uk/sb-sites/stations/s/seacombe/index.shtml